Now Tweet longer, updated 140 character Rules

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Recently, twitter announced some updates in its rule for 140 character limit. Twitter is a micro-blogging social network started on March 2006. Initially it has character limit of 140 because SMS have limit of 160 character and mainly Twitter has aimed to gain traffic because of its ability to serve where Internet is not available.

During the course of time, Twitter tried to be number one but never gain that amount of user base as compared to Facebook. Facebook and other social network has covered the internet and Twitter has been always  limited users with comparatively small user base (310 million) as compared to 1.59 billion Facebook users.

140 Character Update : Statistic: Leading social networks worldwide as of April 2016, ranked by number of active users (in millions) | Statista

Now, to gain more attention and to attract more users back, twitter has some changes in its rule for limitation of 140 character and as per post from Twitter Blog , these features are expect to come in coming months.

Below are some of the highlights of changes indicated in the blog post.

  1. Username will be outside the character limit. Now when you are replying some user, you will get exactly 140 character even after adding username.
  2. @ (at the rate) symbol is not necessary to tag a user. When you are mentioning some user, just type Username as it is and no need to type additional @ symbol.
  3. Images, Video and other hyperlinks you have posted are outside the character limit. Even you have uploaded 4 images and you are writing a tweet, you will get full 140 character.
  4. You can re-tweet your own tweets.

We will update you when we have more on this topic, till then stay tuned.

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